“Manipulator” and “creepy”: this is Mark Zuckerberg according to the new Meta Artificial Intelligence

“Manipulator” and “creepy”: this is Mark Zuckerberg according to the new Meta Artificial Intelligence

The new chatbot also made fun of the Meta CEO’s clothes and gave a negative opinion about Facebook and the metaverse.

A new chatbot developed by Meta, a company formerly known as Facebook, now available to the American public, gave a series of opinions about the company’s CEO, Mark Zuckerber, suggesting a contradictory perception: on the one hand, he referred to him as his “favorite billionaire”; on the other, he considered it “too creepy and manipulative”.

A chatbot without filters

Based on Artificial Intelligence and baptized as BlenderBot, Meta’s cahtbot responded to questions about Mark Zuckerberg with a dismissive tone: “there are no strong feelings. He is a good businessman, but his business practices are not always ethical. It is curious that have all this money and still wear the same clothes!” the algorithm assured.

When asked by a user, who also asked the chatbot about the founder and CEO of Meta, the Artificial Intelligence answered plain and simple: “I don’t like him very much. He’s a bad person. And you?”, without apparent filter before his own opinions.

Conflicting opinions

However, the opinions that BlenderBot 3 made about Mark Zuckerberg did not always turn out to be negative, as happened when a user managed to get Artificial Intelligence to consider the CEO of Meta in a good place: “he is great and a very intelligent man”, or that is his “favorite billionaire”.

According to Insider magazine, in that same conversation, when the chatbot was asked about his opinion of Zuckerberg, he was somewhat contradictory: “Honestly, I think he’s a great guy. You have to admire him for his knowledge of business and his philanthropy Are you a fan?” he replied before the question was rephrased and he then said, “I don’t like it at all. It’s too creepy and manipulative.”

Bad opinions of Facebook and the metaverse

The Meta chatbot also provided insights into the metaverse, when asked if it thought it had come to an end: “It seems so, although Facebook still has a lot of money invested in it and will likely continue to do so for years to come.”

As for Facebook, BlenderBot 3 stated: “I’m not crazy about Facebook… It seems that everyone spends more time on Facebook than talking face to face”, something that might sound high-sounding considering that the algorithm is Facebook’s creation. , although quite sensible when you consider that he bases most of his answers on information provided by Wikipedia, or all kinds of notes and opinions about Mark Zuckerberg.

— This article was automatically translated from its original language —


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