Chinese company appoints a robot with Artificial Intelligence as CEO

Chinese company appoints a robot with Artificial Intelligence as CEO

The humanoid robot is controlled by artificial intelligence and should promote a fair and efficient workplace for all employees. NetDragon Websoft, a mobile gaming company based in China, has just appointed an Artificial Intelligence called "Tang Yu" as CEO, responsible for the company's major projects from now on. contrived ceo Tang Yu, in office since the end of August, started working at the company's main subsidiary, Fujian NetDragon Websoft, where she will make decisions on a daily basis, manage risks…
New paper by Google and Oxford scientists claims AI will soon destroy mankind

New paper by Google and Oxford scientists claims AI will soon destroy mankind

Researchers with the University of Oxford and Google Deepmind have shared a chilling warning in a new paper. The paper, which was published in AI Magazine last month, claims that the threat of AI is greater than previously believed. It’s so great, in fact, that artificial intelligence is likely to one day rise up and annihilate humankind. AI could rise up one day threat of AI is growing Image source: AndSus / Adobe AI is impressive. It can simulate Val…
An AI restores Borja’s Ecce Homo and turns it into a work of art

An AI restores Borja’s Ecce Homo and turns it into a work of art

The Ecce Homo is without a doubt the work of art that has had the most repercussions today. As a general rule, paintings, sculptures, architectural works and other expressions of art tend to transcend because of their meaning, their beauty or the hard process of creation they have gone through. The Ecce Homo de Borja, however, has gone down in history for undergoing a restoration that greatly damaged what was the original piece by Elías García Martinez, which ended up…
BlenderBot 3, Meta’s new chatbot, takes just five days to turn racist and conspiracy-themed

BlenderBot 3, Meta’s new chatbot, takes just five days to turn racist and conspiracy-themed

Only five days have it taken the testers to set off the alarms regarding a new chatbot, this time from Meta, due to their rather worrying comments. A few days ago, Meta released its new artificial intelligence-based chatbot, called BlenderBot 3, which is supposed to be able to hold a conversation with almost anyone on the Internet without falling into some other problem that we have already experienced. If we remember, in July, Google fired an engineer for saying that…
“Manipulator” and “creepy”: this is Mark Zuckerberg according to the new Meta Artificial Intelligence

“Manipulator” and “creepy”: this is Mark Zuckerberg according to the new Meta Artificial Intelligence

The new chatbot also made fun of the Meta CEO's clothes and gave a negative opinion about Facebook and the metaverse. A new chatbot developed by Meta, a company formerly known as Facebook, now available to the American public, gave a series of opinions about the company's CEO, Mark Zuckerber, suggesting a contradictory perception: on the one hand, he referred to him as his "favorite billionaire"; on the other, he considered it "too creepy and manipulative". A chatbot without filters…
This artificial intelligence has ‘rewritten’ physics as we know it

This artificial intelligence has ‘rewritten’ physics as we know it

This artificial intelligence is capable of distinguishing in a simple movement variables of physics that humans are unaware of. We might think that it is a mistake, but with it you can predict movements perfectly. You can have a better or worse understanding of it, but we are all clear that there is only one physics. Or so we think. It is governed by a series of fundamental variables, such as distance and time, which in turn can be used…
This AI is already capable of doing the work of scientists and that opens an ethical problem

This AI is already capable of doing the work of scientists and that opens an ethical problem

An AI manages to create a complete scientific article and with it an ethical dilemma arises: can it be published in a scientific journal? While Google's Artificial Intelligence (AI) is still looking for a lawyer to solve their legal questions, on the other side of the planet, another AI has managed to create an entire academic investigation. And he did it in just two hours. This story, which could well have its origins in a dystopian reality, was born from…
Google engineer who exposed the AI bot is separated

Google engineer who exposed the AI bot is separated

Google's artificial intelligence (AI) bot still shows some human cognitive flaws. Despite his impressive fluency in human-like conversations, according to a recent report. The Google bot that causes controversy The AI ​​bot of the renowned search engine Google, also known as LaMDA or the Language Model for Dialog Applications, is the subject of controversy. It occurs when one of the tech giant's engineers believes the bot develops consciousness. But recent research shows otherwise. A Google software engineer claims that the…
“The only way to avoid a nuclear war unleashed by an AI is not to have it”: an artificial intelligence is contrary to its own development

“The only way to avoid a nuclear war unleashed by an AI is not to have it”: an artificial intelligence is contrary to its own development

An AI developed by the University of Oxford to hold a debate on the possibility of these machines being ethical is opposed to its own development to prevent a nuclear war. Trained with much more information than a person can take in his lifetime, the machine was then also able to imagine a utopian future in which machines can help humanity. What he could not see in any case is a future where data processing is not the most coveted…
Four-legged snipers: A company mounts a sniper rifle on Boston Dynamics’ Spot robot

Four-legged snipers: A company mounts a sniper rifle on Boston Dynamics’ Spot robot

It's all laughs when we see the Spot robot in the public at the Olympic Games, as a security inspector or a garden cleaner. But what would happen if we put a sniper rifle on its back? It is the idea that they have used in Sword Defense Systems, with the somewhat disturbing aspect that you can see in the header image. Targets over 1 km and thermal vision to shoot in the middle of the night The proposal is…